First Draft of Schedule

Here is a tentative schedule for our camp based on topics given by registrants.  Mayer’s talk will be at 9, but after that we can adjust the schedule based on feedback and interest.

9-  – 10 a.m. Mayer Talk

10 – 10:30 Organize Sessions

10:30 – 11:30

Session: Using games in the classroom

Session:  Composition/writing/digital media

11:30 – 12:30Lunch

12:30 – 1 Revisit afternoon sessions based on morning experience

1 – 2 p.m.

Session:  GIS, Maps, Data

Session:  Collaboration OneNote, Sharepoint, Google Docs

Session:  Getting Started with digital

Session:  Using game design as assignment

Other potential sessions: ancestory and online geneology, social media, data (could be broke off from GIS), digital games (minecraftl?)